
56 posts


Nothing really matters

He turned into the warmth of the sun and closed his eyes, feeling the breeze on his face and lost himself to thought. A noise brought him out of his trance, and he turned to see Barth walking towards him.  “Gereth, you’re up early. Watching the sunrise?” “Um, more or […]

Camper Trailer

Awkward Footing

Bodies get used to routines and minds are hard-wired to carry out certain tasks in certain ways with certain body parts.  I was awkwardly reminded of this over Labor Day weekend when we took our little camper out to the lake to relax. We have a small camper trailer and […]

When do you think?

Thought is what makes us special and sets us apart from other animals. Our ability to think seeking clarity regarding ourselves and our place in the universe is a gift wrapped up with a bow on top. Thinking is a precursor to positive change. Within reason and understanding comes transformation. […]


The Unified Forces don’t bother trying to eavesdrop on the artificially intelligent Battle-Bots. It’s a laugh to think that they could. With quantum mechanics driving the Bots’ encryption algorithms, decrypting the COMMS is impossible. Conversely, the Bots can easily break into UF COMMS, so TTPs either call for transmitting in […]

Tout Seul

Alone in a crowd of people Solitary in a relationship of two Friends online, slow to accumulate A self-made prison for one Talked over when asked a question Ignored when wisdom is spoken Used then thrown away Happy when left alone Impatient when trapped, lack of control Tout seul dans […]