
44 posts

The Ego is Many and Strong

Hands and arms stretching up, grasping. Pulling. Generations of hands spanning thousands of years relentlessly dragging you down, trapping you. Imprisoning you in the mistakes of millennia. Embracing you in the bosom of genetic hell. There is no escape. They are always there, waiting. One false step and they will […]

Shut the hell up

Your words have a price. The exact cost, a question. To speak without request is not only pollution but also lessens the importance of what you wish to say. No one values that which they get for free. We value most that which we suffer most to obtain. Attempt to […]

On Belief

Beliefs are what we hope to be truths. They are an aspirational hypothesis of what we wish. They are also a cataract that blinds us from perhaps what really is. One doesn’t believe in a truth. One believes in what one wishes were true. Don’t say I think. Don’t say […]

See, don’t React

HumbleCalmDispossessedUnbelievingUnopinionatedEmpty Caught in the whirlwind of life AngryExcitableEmotions loosedOwned by life, possessed by bias and belief Navigate the storm Eyes wideWatchingSlowThinkingEmpty of superstition, norms, and how it’s always been done See, don’t React Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash

I Am

I write because no one listensI love because no one caresI eat and drink to spark fleeting flames of happiness I exercise to scold myself for being out of shapeI think because that’s the only true control I haveI forgive others but struggle to forgive myself I strive for perfection […]