Beliefs are what we hope to be truths. They are an aspirational hypothesis of what we wish. They are also a cataract that blinds us from perhaps what really is.
One doesn’t believe in a truth. One believes in what one wishes were true.
Don’t say I think. Don’t say I believe. Say I don’t know. Remove your cataracts, remove your blindness, and open yourself up and allow yourself to simply see unfiltered by beliefs, imposed social norms, and peer pressure.
Just because your dad says, just because your friends say, just because your pastor says, just because your political leaders say, just because social media says, does not make it true.
Ask all the questions. Demand unbiased data, pursue unfiltered clarity, and see for yourself.
Wait! Wait for answers, and don’t jump to premature conclusions. News is almost always twisted. It is almost always based on a certain point of view and limited information. Just wait, and be patient.
Don’t think. Don’t believe. Open your eyes and see for yourself.