Your words have a price. The exact cost, a question. To speak without request is not only pollution but also lessens the importance of what you wish to say. No one values that which they get for free. We value most that which we suffer most to obtain.
Attempt to speak only when asked or when asking a question. If no one asks you to speak, you are either disliked, unimportant, or have so utterly annoyed those around you that they wish for silence. If none of those cases are true, then let them suffer your silence until they appreciate you enough to ask a question.
Shut the hell up and observe.
Don’t be angered by that which is not in your control. Don’t begrudge gravity. Don’t complain!
The weather, politics, work, traffic…none of it matters. You are not in control. You’re not immortal. You’re not a God. Just shut the hell up. Can you control that? Can you control your own mouth?
Ask, be asked, respond, and be succinct.
That is all.
And lastly, don’t speak while another does so. That’s rude, aggressively competitive, disrespectful, narcissistic, and screams your distrust for everything another says.
Just shut the hell up.
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash