Thought is what makes us special and sets us apart from other animals. Our ability to think seeking clarity regarding ourselves and our place in the universe is a gift wrapped up with a bow on top. Thinking is a precursor to positive change. Within reason and understanding comes transformation.
So when do you take the time to think? When do you find quiet moments for reflection, prayer, or meditation?
And, if we don’t think, then what are we?
It’s easy nowadays to feel like an automaton rushing through life.
And what a life it is!
A life of plenty with levels of technology and easy access to anything one could possibly ever want all driven by billion-dollar empires willing to do anything so you can get it.
How easy it is to become a slave to this life. A machine bred to power the engine of commerce.
When is there time to think when you wake up every morning blinded by fatigue in a hurry to join the masses of other robots commuting to work? Then after ten or so hours, you find yourself at the gym “working out” – striving for an image of yourself you’ll never attain.
The proverbial carrot is always just out of reach. You need more, you take more, you pay more. You pay in time and money and you pay with your life – your soul.
After the gym, you head for home. You need to make dinner, then eat, then clean up. Now you have time, right? Time to yourself to think or write or read.
Sure, you have time. We all have time.
But, you’re tired and want to relax. So you lean back in your favorite comfy chair and you feed the system once again.
You turn on the TV with a voice command and then ignore it while you check your favorite social media sites on your phone.
That feels better. You got 16 likes on your last post.
So you revel in your nocturnal habitudes until you force yourself to go to bed. You’ve got to get up in the morning after all so you can earn money to pay for your “life”.
Nothing is inherently wrong with a new car, parked in front of a nice house or having the latest phone or gadget or toy. These things are not evil in any particular way. If anything, these things are neither good nor bad. It’s up to you to decide how they are used – if you take the time to think.
The problem lies in not thinking, in following the masses, in becoming the perfect little consumer-bot, and swallowing this concept of life hook line and sinker.
Those who do are like juggernauts speeding through life heading for death and not taking the time to smell the roses. Not taking the time to use their greatest asset – their mind – to think.
But who knows how much of or if any of this is true. It’s Sunday morning and I’m just thinking.